Inclusive Graphical User Interface
Extensive research [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] proved how using certain technologies can generate stress and anxiety for people with different skills or abilities. The Graphical User Interface (GUI), and User Interaction (UI) are factors that may discourage people when learning how to use smartphones or other devices.
There are some devices on the market specifically designed for targeted user groups, however, certain people often feel stigmatized and discriminated for not being able to adopt mainstream solutions.

One of my research results [8] as well as several other pieces of research [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] emphasized that inclusive learning experiences strongly influence the confidence to use technology.
Inclusive GUI is a design concept of an inclusive and simplified OS Graphical User Interface to improve the User Learning eXperience for Android and Apple smartphone users.
We need to make things not just easy, but simple.

Case study analysis, observation, focus group, and structured survey were some of the qualitative research methods used to investigate the impact of learning experiences with the goal to increase digital literacy. You can read early findings here.

how it works
Under settings, a simple toggle switches the GUI from ‘original’ to ‘simplified’ mode where selected apps and features - based on customer research - are embedded in one screen, with increased visual contrast, bigger icons, and larger font.

what people say
Simple GUI concept design is based on existing research, however extensive additional research is needed before product implementation.